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TOP-10 The Best Science-Fiction Movies | Space Travel Movies Sci-Fi

Thank You for watching! Subscribe me! http://bit.ly/iloveshadowtavern Science fiction is a genre in which the imagination of the filmmakers is almost unlimited and the craziest ideas can be realized... A Stargate or a flying city? Of course. A "Death Star" the size of a planet, built from scratch in infinite darkness? Rational. The madness of the Event Horizon? Why not? And these are just a few examples of space on the big screen. Greetings everyone and welcome to my ShadowTavern. Today's episode features 10 great sci-fi movies with a space-related storyline. Be sure to recommend any space sci-fi movies that you like. Make yourself comfortable, warm up with some delicious tea, and have a great time watching. Episodes: 00:00 Intro 00:29 The Martian, 20th Century Fox (2015) IMDb: 8.0 01:39 Moon, Sony Pictures Classics (2009) IMDb: 7.8 02:28 2001: A Space Odyssey, MGM (1968) IMDb: 8.3 03:14 Interstellar, Paramount Pictures (2014) IMDb: 8.6 03:56 Event Horizon, Paramount Pictures (1997) IMDb: 6.6 04:59 Apollo 11, Universal Pictures (2019) IMDb: 8.2 05:25 Starship Troopers, InterCom (1997) IMDb: 7.3 06:02 Alien, 20th Century Fox (1979) IMDb: 8.4 06:40 Gravity, Warner Bros. (2013) IMDb: 7.7 07:41 Galaxy Quest, Dreamworks (1999) IMDb: 7.3 08:41 Ending TOP-10 The Best Science-Fiction Movies | Space Travel Movies Sci-Fi #movie #movies #films Science fiction movies have always been a popular genre, and space-themed sci-fi movies have always been a favorite among audiences. From classic films like "2001: A Space Odyssey" to more recent releases like "Gravity", there are a plethora of great space sci-fi movies to choose from. Some of the best sci-fi space movies include "Interstellar," and "Alien." These films offer exciting stories, breathtaking visuals, and thought-provoking themes that explore the possibilities of space travel and the future of humanity. Whether you're a fan of classic sci-fi movies or new sci-fi movies, Hollywood has something to offer for everyone. Here are the top-10 best sci-fi space movies that you should definitely watch if you haven't already.


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